1 (800) 705-6045 sales@servicespro.com

Live chat brings instant communication with your home service business, and people love instant. As a result, chat has become one of the most effective methods of providing online support, as well as a way to gain new customers.

social media goldfish attention span

Faster and Better

The human attention span is very short, especially online. With ServicesPro’s managed live chat, your website’s visitors can get an immediate response in real time from an expert virtual receptionist. Our live chat feature allows customers to reach out to you any time of the day. This leads to better customer satisfaction, lower service costs and more sales leads.

The operators on our managed live chat service are real people, not “bots”, and engage with your website’s visitors to offer excellent online support. Whether they have specific questions, or just want to know your availability for a project; people want immediate answers. Our live chat services give your home service business 24 hour accessibility that can help turn a visitor into a satisfied customer. All the details of the chat session and the customer’s contact info are stored for further use by your sales and customer service representatives. That means more business for you!

Save Money, Too

The cost of customer service with ServicesPro’s live chat is lower than most other options, such as email or phone support. Customer service staff using our live chat can spend less time per interaction than they would with on a phone call or email, so each session takes up less of your team’s time. And as the saying goes, “time is money”.

Our live chat software is an easy way of starting a sales conversation. The informal nature of live chat on your website makes it more comfortable for the customer to provide details that can be used by your sales staff to follow up later.

The usage of live chat on small business websites is growing, but many are not using best in class chat software like ServicesPro. Upgrade your entire online presence in one move by signing up with ServicesPro.com.



Call us at (800) 705-6045, or chat with us to learn how we can help your local home service business offer a better customer experience.